Pens and Pencils and Paper, Oh My!

It’s my favorite time of year, guys!  SCHOOL SUPPLY TIIIIIIIME!!!  You get a notebook and you get a notebook and you get a notebook and you get a notebook!  (Sorry…I got carried away for a minute.)

school supplies


Since I was a kid, it has been my most favorite time of the year.  My two best friends from childhood had the very same addiction.  We’d beg our mothers for weeks to take us school supply shopping.  When we became old enough to drive ourselves, we’d plan out a serious trip making lists of sales and clipping coupons.  We’d ooooh and aaaah over stationery and the feel of new pencils.  I mean, nothing better than a freshly sharpened pencil, come on.  It was really our favorite trip of the summer when we’d find all of our new goodies for the impending school year.

This obsession has continued into my adult life.  I love buying new crayons and notebooks and pencils and erasers for my kids.  I’m also a shameless, self-proclaimed planner addict.  My hobby gives me an excuse, as a grown ass woman, to buy every color of sparkly-ass pen on the market.  (PenGems … go check it out)  I own binders full of stickers.  (Yes.  I said stickers, bitch.  You don’t know my life.) I have at least 30 paper planners because I CANNOT STOP BUYING THEM.  I have one for recipes and meal planning, one for family schedules, one for work, one for fitness, one for food tracking, one for my cookie business, one for my LipSense business, one for blogging and one for goal setting.  I decorate them all each week with stickers and washi tape and multi-colored pens.  Don’t believe me?  There are multiple Facebook groups with tens of thousands of women who share the same hobby.  Hell, we even have conferences and meet-ups to share our undying love of paper.  We pass them around and fawn over each other’s finely decorated beauties.




School supply season also means that it is ALMOST TIME FOR THE KIDS TO HEAD BACK TO SCHOOL.  And, all the mothers of the world rejoice.

Want to get your own nerdy planner?  Use my referral link and save yourself (and me) $10!



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